Friday, May 31, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird: Character Analysis of Jem and Scout Essay

To Kill a Mockingbird Character Analysis of Jem and ScoutImagine just two young kids maturing within a yield of years. Imagine that same two kids, experiencing or understanding things that they bent meant to at a young age. Jem and Scout were just like that. They have experienced numerous things that they shouldnt have at their age. Scout on the other hand, seems to be the one maturing the most. Throughout this whole essay, you will learn about Jem and Scouts attributes, personality, and how alike or different they argon from each other.Jem and Scout are two siblings. They love to have fun, be with their father, and try to understand many things that are going in their lives. An example is Scout. She is a very unusual little girl, she is unusually smart and unusually worries about the goodness of evil and mankind. I ideate theres just one kind of folks. Folks. The quote illustrates that Scout thinks that, everyone in the world is the same. Even though their skin colors or their l ifestyles are different, they are all the same. Jem is a boy who is not without hope. He is also like Scout, although he has some doubts over what Scout may think. If theres just one kind of folks, why cant they bulge along with each other? If theyre all alike, why do they get out of their way to despise each other? What Jem is trying to say in the quote is that, if people are all the same, why do they sleek over discriminate each other? Jem and Scout are two siblings who just want t...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Limitations of Interpersonal Communciation Research :: essays research papers

When taking a limit of an equation in Calculus, a limit doesnot always exist. However, in the veridical word there arealways limitations to what people can accomplish no matterhow hard they work or try. These limitations are evident ininterpersonal commuciation research as well. In the article,"Commucication Apprehension Among SecretarialStudents," the authors, Melanie Booth-Butterfield andCarol C. Thomas, research and examine the levels of trait communion apprehension among students enrolled incollege level shoes administration programs. In thefollowing paragraphs I will discuss the process and twolimitations of the research.In the article, the authors seek to investigate communicationapprehension among secretarial students. colloquyapprehension is an individuals level of fear or disquietassociated with communicationg with others(Booth-Butterfield & Thomas, 1995, pp. 39). Themethodological framework utilitized by the authors was toadminister questionnaires during reg ular class meter in fourdifferent sections. This survey included a measure of traitcommunication apprehension and anxiety across fourdifferent areas of interpersonal, low-pitched group, meeting andpublic speaking. In addition, the questionnaire asked for theage and whether the participants have had experience in aco-op role or as a secretary for a regular business. Theparticipants of the questionaire were 117 random studentsenrolled at a four-year, technical business-oriented college.Of these students, 58 were female students enrolledfull-time in office administration courses. The remainingstudents were not secretarial students precisely were enrolled inbusiness administration, management, and communicationcourses. The results of the survey clearly showed a highercommunication apprehension among secretarial studentsthan non-secretarial students rergardless of age or jobexperience. Furthermore, secretarial students showedanxiety in all four areas of communication especially inpubl ic speaking. In conlusion to the research, the authorssay that the anxiety experienced by many officeadminstration students should be observable and willsubstatntively influence their performance in classes and onthe job (Booth-Butterfield & Thomas, 1995, pp. 39).Although this communication apprehension research seemsreasonable, limitations include the type of data apply and therelationships or generalizations that are drawn betweencertain variables. To begin with, the methodologicalframework utilized by the author is in the form of aquestionairre. A questionairre is basically a test to see howone thinks of his or herself and is not necessarily accurate.For example, an individual may think he or she isapprehensive to communication but when actuallyconfronted with the scenerio may perform rather well andwithout any fear or anxiety. Perhaps a bettermethodological approach in gathering data is to setup anactual communication setting and have the participantsperform to the communica tion task. The data should bebased on the performance as well as feedback from theparticipant to see if the communication apprehension was

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

Nathaniel Hawthorne was a truly outstanding author. His detailed descriptions and imagery will surely keep people fire in reading The Scarlet Letter for years to come. In writing this book he used themes evident throughout the entirety of the novel. These themes are illustrated in what happens to the characters and how they react. By examining how these themes affect the main characters, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth, one can obtain a better understanding of what Hawthorne was trying to impress upon his readers.The first theme expressed in The Scarlet Letter is that even well meaning deceptions and undergrounds can lead to destruction. Dimmesdale is a prime example of this he meant well by concealing his secret relationship with Hester, however, keeping it bound up was deteriorating his health. everywhere the course of the book this fact is made to stand out by Dimmesdale&8217s changing appearance. Over the course of the novel Dimmesdale becomes more pale, and emaciated. Hester prevents herself from suffer the same fate. She is open about her sin but stays loyal to her lover by not utter who is the father of Pearl. Hester matures in the book becomes a stronger character.The fact that revenge destroys both the victim and the seeker is another theme presented in the Scarlet Letter. Dimmesdale is the victim of Chillingworth&8217s revenge upon Hester and whoever her lover happened to be. Dimmesdale, beside his self-inflicted harm was also not helped by the fact Chillingworth enjoyed watching him waste away. However, Chillingworth is also subject to this destiny as evidence by his change in the novel. Chillingworth was considered wise and aged in the beginning of the novel, although, later he is seen as being dusky and evil.Lastly Nathaniel Hawthorne brings out that we absolutely essential accept responsibility for our actions or suffer the consequences come with them. Hester is the prime example for this here because she was smart and freed herself of this great weight quickly so that it wouldn&8217t drag out her down. This theme was not as applicable to Dimmesdale, however, who decided to hide his wrongful actions and was bearing this secret upon his heart and mind at all times.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings: Cages :: Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Essays

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Cages Maya Angelou wrote an amazing and entertaining autobiography titled I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, about her hard life growing up as a black girl from the South. Among the hardships are things know as cages as stated as a metaphor from Paul Dunbars poem Sympathy. Cages are things that keep people from succeeding in life and organism everything they want to be. Some of Maya Angelous cages include being black in the 1940s and her overbearing grandmother. In my life, a cage is my young age, this causes problems with adults. A major cage from Maya Angelous offspring was that she was black in a prejudice southern town. Maya has recounted in her book the times when she was discriminated against. When she was working for a white woman named Mrs. Viola Cullinan, Mrs. Cullinan started calling her Mary, Thats Margaret excessively long. Shes Mary from now on.(pp.91) One of the most important aspects of a person is their name. It is a great insult for some matchless to change your name, without your consent. If Maya was white Mrs. Cullinan would not countenance changed her name and she did it only because of her racist friends and attitudes. Even some of the white adults who supposedly supported her had hidden their racist messages in seemingly nice speeches. Maya conveys the words of Mr. Edward Donleavy, one of the people in the masquerade, The white kids were going to have a chance to become Galileos and Madame Curies and Edisons and Gauguins, and our boys (the girls werent even in on it) would try to be Jesse Owenses and Joe Lousises.(pp.151) Maya was forced to bear in mind to Mr. Donleavys stereotypes of how white children could be thinkers and black children can only be athletes. What was supposed to be an encouraging speech, which Mr. Donleavy probably thought was sincere, turned out to be entirely another racist and stereotypical speech. Perhaps it was not so much Mr. Donleavys fault, because he was trying to be nice , but more of his upbringing. Racism was the most vainglorious of Mayas cages and it is probably due to the society and ignorant ideas. The second major cage of Maya Angelou was that she has a very strict, religious, and overbearing grandmother. It is important that a childs guardian be sympathize with and strict but that guardian should not be too strict.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Building Classroom Discipline Essay -- Education School Classroom Teac

In the past few years it seems that schools have really lost touch with the discipline of students. With the increasing frequency of school shootings and acts of violence it seems that the students argon running the show instead of the teachers and administrators. There are many factors that are involved in creating a great schoolroom or a horrifying classroom. From the way the teachers punish misbehaving students or the way they reward them when they do close tothing right, to how involved the parents are with their childrens education. The purpose of this paper is to explain how classroom management, when used effectively by the teacher, can produce an excellent learning milieu for students. According to C.M. Charles, the author of Building Classroom Discipline, the definition of discipline is, what teachers do to help students behave tolerably in school (1999,p3). Discipline is associated to misbehavior, wherever misbehavior is found, and discipline is needed. The main goals of discipline are to prevent, suppress and redirect misbehavior. Students can also be uncivilized and disruptive, which can deny the purpose of learning in the classroom. Another goal of discipline is to help students control their own behavior in and outside the classroom (Charles, 1999). My own definition of discipline is using any means necessary to keep a classroom organized, productive and accessible for learning. Discipline is necessary in a classroom, to give students an opportunity to learn to there fullest. Without discipline, the classroom would be a pop out where teachers could not perform their job but a place for them to baby-sit misbehaved children. Teacher quality is the most important issue when dealing with how effective a classroom will ... ...dents have the ability to learn to their fullest potential. When the environment is not controlled it is not a healthy place for kids to learn, it seems more like a day care while parents are at work. Another is having a relationship outside the classroom with students. Being involved in their life both academically and personally increases the trust and respect from a student toward the teacher. closely students go through stages as they become older. If there are misbehaved students it is important to remember that it is common to find students that are rebels. It is important to work with the students instead of middling giving them to someone else to deal with. They are just looking for some attention and they want people to notice them and like them. If a teacher follows some of the thing mentioned earlier, they it will create a healthy, happy and vigorous classroom.

Building Classroom Discipline Essay -- Education School Classroom Teac

In the past few years it seems that schools have genuinely lost touch with the discipline of students. With the increasing frequency of school shootings and acts of violence it seems that the students atomic number 18 running the show instead of the teachers and administrators. There are many factors that are twisty in creating a great classroom or a horrible classroom. From the way the teachers punish misbehaving students or the way they reward them when they do approximatelything right, to how involved the parents are with their childrens education. The purpose of this paper is to explain how classroom management, when used effectively by the teacher, can produce an excellent learning environment for students. According to C.M. Charles, the former of Building Classroom Discipline, the definition of discipline is, what teachers do to help students behave acceptably in school (1999,p3). Discipline is associated to misbehavior, wherever misbehavior is found, and discipline is nee ded. The master(prenominal) intents of discipline are to prevent, suppress and redirect misbehavior. Students can also be cruel and disruptive, which can deny the purpose of learning in the classroom. Another goal of discipline is to help students control their own behavior in and outside the classroom (Charles, 1999). My own definition of discipline is using any means required to keep a classroom organized, productive and accessible for learning. Discipline is necessary in a classroom, to give students an opportunity to learn to there fullest. Without discipline, the classroom would be a place where teachers could not perform their job but a place for them to baby-sit misbehaved children. Teacher quality is the most all-important(prenominal) issue when relations with how effective a classroom will ... ...dents have the ability to learn to their fullest potential. When the environment is not controlled it is not a healthy place for kids to learn, it seems more interchangeabl e a day care while parents are at work. Another is having a relationship outside the classroom with students. Being involved in their manner both academically and personally increases the trust and respect from a student toward the teacher. Most students go through stages as they become older. If there are misbehaved students it is important to remember that it is common to find students that are rebels. It is important to work with the students instead of just giving them to someone else to deal with. They are just looking for some attention and they want people to notice them and like them. If a teacher follows some of the thing mentioned earlier, they it will create a healthy, happy and vigorous classroom.