Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Building Classroom Discipline Essay -- Education School Classroom Teac

In the past few years it seems that schools have genuinely lost touch with the discipline of students. With the increasing frequency of school shootings and acts of violence it seems that the students atomic number 18 running the show instead of the teachers and administrators. There are many factors that are twisty in creating a great classroom or a horrible classroom. From the way the teachers punish misbehaving students or the way they reward them when they do approximatelything right, to how involved the parents are with their childrens education. The purpose of this paper is to explain how classroom management, when used effectively by the teacher, can produce an excellent learning environment for students. According to C.M. Charles, the former of Building Classroom Discipline, the definition of discipline is, what teachers do to help students behave acceptably in school (1999,p3). Discipline is associated to misbehavior, wherever misbehavior is found, and discipline is nee ded. The master(prenominal) intents of discipline are to prevent, suppress and redirect misbehavior. Students can also be cruel and disruptive, which can deny the purpose of learning in the classroom. Another goal of discipline is to help students control their own behavior in and outside the classroom (Charles, 1999). My own definition of discipline is using any means required to keep a classroom organized, productive and accessible for learning. Discipline is necessary in a classroom, to give students an opportunity to learn to there fullest. Without discipline, the classroom would be a place where teachers could not perform their job but a place for them to baby-sit misbehaved children. Teacher quality is the most all-important(prenominal) issue when relations with how effective a classroom will ... ...dents have the ability to learn to their fullest potential. When the environment is not controlled it is not a healthy place for kids to learn, it seems more interchangeabl e a day care while parents are at work. Another is having a relationship outside the classroom with students. Being involved in their manner both academically and personally increases the trust and respect from a student toward the teacher. Most students go through stages as they become older. If there are misbehaved students it is important to remember that it is common to find students that are rebels. It is important to work with the students instead of just giving them to someone else to deal with. They are just looking for some attention and they want people to notice them and like them. If a teacher follows some of the thing mentioned earlier, they it will create a healthy, happy and vigorous classroom.

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