Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

Nathaniel Hawthorne was a truly outstanding author. His detailed descriptions and imagery will surely keep people fire in reading The Scarlet Letter for years to come. In writing this book he used themes evident throughout the entirety of the novel. These themes are illustrated in what happens to the characters and how they react. By examining how these themes affect the main characters, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth, one can obtain a better understanding of what Hawthorne was trying to impress upon his readers.The first theme expressed in The Scarlet Letter is that even well meaning deceptions and undergrounds can lead to destruction. Dimmesdale is a prime example of this he meant well by concealing his secret relationship with Hester, however, keeping it bound up was deteriorating his health. everywhere the course of the book this fact is made to stand out by Dimmesdale&8217s changing appearance. Over the course of the novel Dimmesdale becomes more pale, and emaciated. Hester prevents herself from suffer the same fate. She is open about her sin but stays loyal to her lover by not utter who is the father of Pearl. Hester matures in the book becomes a stronger character.The fact that revenge destroys both the victim and the seeker is another theme presented in the Scarlet Letter. Dimmesdale is the victim of Chillingworth&8217s revenge upon Hester and whoever her lover happened to be. Dimmesdale, beside his self-inflicted harm was also not helped by the fact Chillingworth enjoyed watching him waste away. However, Chillingworth is also subject to this destiny as evidence by his change in the novel. Chillingworth was considered wise and aged in the beginning of the novel, although, later he is seen as being dusky and evil.Lastly Nathaniel Hawthorne brings out that we absolutely essential accept responsibility for our actions or suffer the consequences come with them. Hester is the prime example for this here because she was smart and freed herself of this great weight quickly so that it wouldn&8217t drag out her down. This theme was not as applicable to Dimmesdale, however, who decided to hide his wrongful actions and was bearing this secret upon his heart and mind at all times.

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